How long does a chimney sweep take?
People frequently ask how much time they should set aside for their chimney sweep. In general, a chimney that is maintained each year will have a quick appointment. It can take as few as 45 minutes to completely clean the system. However, there are a lot of factors that can affect your appointment time. The following is a list of things that could make your chimney sweep appointment take longer than an hour:
Frequently used (dirty system)
More than a year between cleanings (dirty system)
Repairs required
Cap installation required
Extra area to clean (like an ash dump)
Complicated access such as a steep roof
Large firebox
It is actually fairly rare to encounter a chimney that is a quick cleaning job. Most of the time there is something that needs to be addressed within the system. This is why we typically allot 2 hours to each appointment. Even with a 2 hour cushion, our techs sometimes encounter something totally unusual. We’ve found that we have the most success when we expect the unexpected.